
Friday, 27 April 2007


A few of us have a little party today for a Finnish student who was going back to Finland. I thought we should celebrate with a beer or maybe two, but no we were going to have lunch at italic restaurant. Nice and delicious food specially the dessert a chocolate cake with ice.

Afskedsparty Afskedsparty4 Afskedsparty Afskedsparty 1


En gruppe studerende fra Schweiz afsluttede deres forløb i dag. De fremførte et skuespil, de selv havde skrevet.

My creation
Billedserien skal læses fra højre mod venstre (start forneden :-)

En grusom heks ønsker sig en flot ung mand, men det er ikke let, da hun bare er så grim. Men en heks laver selvfølgelig bare en trylledrik, der får en smuk ung mand til at falde i søvn og forelske sig i den første pige han ser, når han vågner. Men det gik bare så galt – heksen blev måtte af sted på naturens vegne – og var der selvfølgelig ikke, da skønheden vågnede. Den romantiske samtale der opstod mellem en smuk ung blond kvinde og den unge mand, forsøgte den lede heks at forstyrre på alle mulige måder. Mange nutidige og historiske personligheder dukkede op undervejs; Kong Arthur, en ægte skotte i kilt m.fl.. Til slut blev den stakkels heks arresteret af en betjent. Sørgelig historie som vakte enorm megen morskab blandt de mange nationaliteter som så på.

Thursday, 26 April 2007

Afternoon class

At this days afternoon class we went to see some buildings from the 18th century designed by one of the most famous Scottish architects, Robert Adam (1728 – 92). He was grounder at the neo classicism in Scotland. We went inside to one of the buildings at Charlotte Square, a part of the New Town (18th century). Robert Adam haven’t designed the individual rows only the palace front so the houses have a "grand civic composition". A video at the museum told that Edinburgh at that time was called the "North Athens". Despite of the modern new look the rows didn’t have any facilities like water, bath or sewerage. Everything has to be delivered or taken away by hand.

Wednesday, 25 April 2007

Pixar exhibition

Salem and I went to the Pixar exhibition this afternoon. It is one of the most interesting and exclusive collection I have seen. Storyboard and paintings in acryl, pencil and pastel and some of them as digital drawings too, all foundations for famous animation films from Pixar: Cars, Toy Story, Monsters, Fining Nemo, The Incredibles and so on.
It was significant for me to see how much they have worked with each figure; it is not by chance cow tractors from Cars e.g. are so similar to cows. On a poster it was shown how a cow’s face was transformed to a tractor; it is the same form and attitude. It was so fascinating.


The exhibitions contained sculptures of the most famous figures in different positions and situations; crying, laughing etc. And of course the old Pixar movies were also shown, e.g. The bird.

Tuesday, 24 April 2007

Street project

In the afternoon class we had got a street project. We should chose a place or a street in the town and make some historic research, take some pictures, make interviews with different people on the street etc.
Next week we are going to make a short presentation with visuals, highlighting the most interesting things about the street. We have to design a one-page leaflet about our street for visitors to Edinburgh. My group had chosen the Grassmarket an old place where the execution had been place at the Killing Times from the mid of 17th, it also used be to a busy market spot for corn, forage and cattle.

Monday, 23 April 2007


I am sorry that you, my dear family, got the postcard a week after they where written but I couldn’t find a post box last week ;-(
I think I now knew why. Aren’t they a little bit similar with dustbins? Or maybe I am wrong.

Postbox Dustbin

This weekend

I was at the Edinburgh Castel this Sunday with Taja (my Korea classmate) but we don't think it was so interesting, because it was most about the deferent wars between the Scottish and the English and about the Scottish lost off independence.

At the Castel
Taja and me at the Castel

View at the Castel
View at the Castel

I find history about peoples life circumstances more interesting; of course different kings way to rule have some influence.
Saturday was I at the movie seeing a film named An imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus a brilliant and fascinating film. Tickets are cheap only £ 4.5 so I have planned to see "The others life" and… some others this week.
I will go to the theatre too and see The Scottish Ensemble playing something called Tutti Frutti next weekend.